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Academic Bundle
With our origins deeply rooted in academia, we are committed to opening doors of opportunity for the growth and development of the student engineering community. The Rocscience Academic Bundle has been crafted to meet the unique needs of educational institutions, professors, and, most importantly, to provide exposure to the next generation of engineers.
Unlock the Benefits
Exceptional Value
Limitless Accessibility
Exclusive Resources
Access the Academic Bundle
Who can subscribe?
Any accredited university or institution offering geotechnical courses and agreeing to provide a secure environment for the software and to use the software only for educational purposes.
Academic Bundle Pricing
Educational Institutes can choose from the following two subscription options:
1 year subscription
5 year subscription
Save 20% on the total cost of the bundle.
How do I subscribe to the Academic Bundle?
If you are interested in subscribing to the Academic Bundle, please fill in the form below: