Course: Applied Geomechanical Modeling of Tunnels, Deep Excavations and Slope Stability
Course Details
- Date: November 13th - 14th, 2023
- Venue: Grand Plaza Hotel & Congress Center, Slovenska cesta 60, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Schedule: 9 am to 5 pm
- Instructors: This course will be in English, instructed by Dr. Anil Yunatcı and Yalin Dogan
- Registration Fees:
- Early Bird Price - $539 USD (until September 30, 2023)
- Regular Price - $649 USD
What’s included:
- Temporary software licenses
- PDF of course materials
- PDH Certificate
- Lunch & Snacks
Please note:
- Registrants will be responsible for their own accommodation.
- Participants must bring their own laptops (and mice).
- Participant numbers are limited.
Course Outline
Module I: Limit Equilibrium Approach in 2D/3D Slope Stability Assessment
- Basics of LE Approach in Slope Stability Assessment
- Failure Modes of Soil and Rock Slopes
- Factor Safety, Risk Based Design and Reference to EC7 Design Codes
- Overview of Geometry Search Options and Optimization Techniques
- Material Strength Models
- Overview of Basic Statistical Concepts and Quantification of Parameter of Uncertainty
- Probability of Failure versus Factor of Safety
Module II: 2D Anisotropy, Weak Layer Definitions and Slope Support Systems
- Anisotropic Material Strength Models
- Anisotropic Surface Definition
- Definition of Weak Layers
- Introduction to 2D Slope Stability Support Systems
Module III: LE and FE Groundwater Modeling Options in 2D
- Phreatic Lines and Excess Pore Water Pressure Ratio Definitions
- Steady State and Transient Groundwater Flow Modeling Options
- Slope Face Drainage Modeling and Effect of Safety Factors
- Groundwater Boundary Conditions, Infiltration Effects
Module IV: Deep Excavation Design and 2D Support Analysis Tools
- LE and FE Model Development (Construction of Geometry, Meshing, Loads and Boundary Conditions, Analysis Options)
- 2D Deep Excavation Model Generation
- Effects of Groundwater on Support Elements
- Interpretation of Results
Module V: Analytical and 2D FE Analysis of Tunnel Sections: Basics (RocSupport, RS2)
- Overview of Empirical Methods for Support Pattern Estimation
- Preliminary Assessment Tools for Modeling Underground Excavations (RocSupport)
- Fundamentals of finite element method, geometry construction, discretization and meshing, mesh quality, setting boundary conditions
- 2D FE Simulation of Underground Excavations: Core Replacement, Internal Pressure and Load Split Approaches (RS2)
Module VI: Advanced Numerical Modeling Options for Tunnelling – Part 1 (RS2)
- Modeling Excavation Support Systems in RS2
- Implicit and Explicit Definition of Rock Joints, Joint Networks
- Effects of Joint Modeling and Anisotropy on Stability Assessment and Structural behaviour
- Effects of Joint Networks on Structural Design Demands of Tunnel Sections
Module VII: Advanced Numerical Modeling Options for Tunnelling– Part 2 (RS3)
- Geometry Building, Point Clouds and Surface Generation Options
- Ground Surface and Subsurface Modeling Using Borehole Definitions
- Surface Repair and Regeneration Tools
- Tunnel Designer
- Modeling Excavation Support Systems in RS3
For any additional queries, please reach out to Yalin Dogan
Course Instructors:

Dr. Anıl Yunatcı is working as a senior geotechnical engineer at GeoDestek Ltd. He has built experience in the field of geotechnical earthquake engineering, seismic hazard assessment, numerical modeling, geotechnical monitoring and soil investigation studies over 20 years. Dr. Yunatcı received his Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering in 1999 from Gazi University in Turkey. He then obtained his Master's and in geotechnical engineering from Middle East Technical University, Turkey in 2010. Dr. Yunatcı is in charge of organizing and developing numerous customized Rocscience courses and workshop events nationwide and internationally. Within GeoDestek, he has been participating as a co-lecturer in Rocscience oriented numerical modeling courses since 2013.

Yalın Dogan is working as an Engineering Geologist at GeoDestek. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Geological Engineering in 2014 from Hacettepe University. He then obtained his Master’s degree in geotechnical engineering from Gazi University in 2019 and he is currently pursuing his Ph.D degree in geotechnical engineering. He is also currently serving as a member of the Geotechnics and Engineering Geology Commission in Chamber of Geological Engineers of Turkey. His professional and research experiences include geotechnical site characterization, in-situ test, slope stability, 2D and 3D effects in slope stability problems, shear strength reduction approach and effects of various methods in bi-planar failure mechanisms. Within Geodestek, he has been participating as a co-lecturer in Rocscience oriented numerical modeling courses since 2018.
Nov 13, 2023 - Nov 14, 2023
Ljubljana, Slovenia
The course will be conducted in English
- Early Bird: USD $539
(until Sept 30, 2023) - Regular: USD $649