Course: Excavation Design and Settlement Analysis
Course Details
- Date: April 8-9, 2024
- Venue: J.W. Marriott | 900 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015, United States
- Schedule: 9 am to 5 pm
- Instructors: This course will be in English, instructed by Dr. Alireza Azami, Director of Business and Research, Rocscience
- Programs Covered: RS2, RS3, Settle3
- Registration Fees:
- Early Bird Price - $1095 USD (until February 29, 2024)
- Regular Price - $1195 USD
What’s included:
- Temporary software licenses
- PDF of course materials
- PDH Certificate
- Lunch & Snacks
Please note:
- Registrants will be responsible for their own accommodation
- Participants must bring their own laptops (and mice)
- Participant numbers are limited
Course Outline
Day 1 (Excavation Design with FEM)
Module 1: Introduction to the Finite Element Method for Geotechnical Problems (RS2 and RS3)
- Overview of the Finite Element Method and model setup
- Analysis options and Project Settings in RS2 and RS3
- 3D Modeling - Geometry creation tools
- Interpretation of results
Module 2: Material Models in RS2 and RS3
- Classical material models (Mohr coulomb, Generalized Hoek Brown, etc)
- Advanced material models (Hardening/Softening models)
- Anisotropic material models
Module 3: Groundwater Options (Hydromechanical Coupling)
- Simplified method for generating pore water pressure field
- Water surface
- Grid options
- Seepage analysis (Steady-State and Transient)
- Drained and Undrained materials
Module 4: Support Elements in RS2 and RS3
- Bolts
- Different types and formulations
- Connections With Liners and Interfaces
- Liners and Structural Interfaces
- Different types and applications
- Composite Liners
- Interface Elements/Behavior
- Liner Connections and Loads
- Piles
- Formulation and different options
- Connections to other Support Elements
Day 2 (Settlement and Consolidation Analysis)
Module 1: Theory and Model Setup (Settle3)
- Stress computation methods
- Settlement estimation methods (empirical vs consolidation theory)
- Loads and excavations (flexible, rigid)
- Material models in Settle3
Module 2: Theory and Model Setup (RS2 and RS3) Applications
- Consolidation Theory (Biot’s formulation)
- Model setup and boundary conditions
Module 3: Common Applications
- Loads and excavations
- Embankment designer Settle3
- Staged construction of Embankments in RS2 and RS3
- Reporting tools
Module 4: Common Applications
- Modeling ground improvement methods in Settle3
- Wick Drains
- Soil replacement, Stone columns, and Vibro-compaction
- Wick Drains and other special boundary conditions in RS2 and RS3
For any additional queries, please reach out to Robert Bradford.
Course Instructor:

Dr. Alireza Azami is a Geomechanics Specialist and Director of Business and Research at Rocscience. He holds his Ph.D. from McMaster University in Civil Engineering (Geomechanics) specializing in the field of Constitutive Modelling of Geomaterials. Since joining Rocscience in 2010, Dr. Azami has done research and development on renowned software solutions including Slide2, Slide3, RS2, RS3, and RSData. His work encompasses a wide range of areas, including seepage analysis, coupled hydromechanical analysis, constitutive modeling for rocks and soils, and the implementation of the shear strength reduction method across various material models in the FEM tools. Dr. Azami is also an instructor for workshops, webinars, Rocscience standard short courses, and customized course packages.
Apr 8, 2024 - Apr 9, 2024
Los Angeles, USA
The course will be conducted in English
- Early Bird: USD $1095
(until Feb 29, 2024) - Regular: USD $1195