Undrained Analysis and Undrained Materials with RS2 - FEM Analysis of Deep Excavations
Join us for this free webinar on the topic 'Undrained Analysis and Undrained Materials with RS2 - FEM Analysis of Deep Excavations', instructed by Dr. Alireza Azami, Director of Business and Research at Rocscience. The webinar will be hosted online in English on November 9, 2023, at 1 pm Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5).
Key Highlights of the session:
- Hydromechanical Coupling using Biot’s theory.
- Undrained Analysis: A special case of Coupled Formulation
- Undrained/Drained Materials in RS2:
o Three distinct modelling methods
o Setting up Material Properties - Verifications and Case Studies


Dr. Alireza Azami is a Geomechanics Specialist and Director of Business and Research at Rocscience. He holds his Ph.D. from McMaster University in Civil Engineering (Geomechanics) specializing in the field of Constitutive Modelling of Geomaterials. Since joining Rocscience in 2010, Dr. Azami has done research and development on renowned software solutions including Slide2, Slide3, RS2, RS3, and RSData. His work encompasses a wide range of areas, including seepage analysis, coupled hydromechanical analysis, constitutive modeling for rocks and soils, and the implementation of the shear strength reduction method across various material models in the FEM tools. Dr. Azami is also an instructor for workshops, webinars, Rocscience standard short courses, and customized course packages.