Editing Column Names
Edit Column Name can be used to re-name the header of any Extra Column.
To re-name Extra Columns:
- Click the mouse in the Extra Column that you want to re-name.
- Select Rename Header from the Edit menu.
- The Edit Column Name dialog will appear.
- Enter the new Column Name, and select OK.
- Edit Column Name dialog is also available by right-clicking on the header of any Extra Column and selecting Edit Name.
- Edit Column Name cannot be used to re-name the Orientation, Quantity, Traverse, Distance, or Set columns. These are reserved columns in Dips.
- Extra Column names always use UPPERCASE LETTERS to distinguish them from the Orientation, Traverse, Quantity, Distance, and Set columns.
Filtered Data
Filters will be re-queried whenever Grid Data changes. If any filters are defined in the document, renaming columns may result in filters being deleted from the data query if no data matches are found for the filter.