Overview of Input Data
The primary input data options for Dips are the Traverses dialog and the main spreadsheet referred to as the Grid Data view.
The Traverses dialog allows you to enter Traverse orientation and type. Traverses can be used for bias correction and data processing (e.g., oriented core).
Grid Data view
The Grid Data view is the main Dips data entry spreadsheet. Raw orientation data is entered in the first two columns of the Grid Data view. Other input data columns can be created as required.
These are the main options for setting up your Dips file and inputting of raw data.
Additional Columns
- If your file requires a Quantity Column or Distance Column, this is added through the Project Settings dialog.
- If you are recording data on Traverses, the Traverse Information is entered in the Traverses dialog in the Analysis menu (also available through the Project Settings dialog). A Traverse Column will automatically be added to the spreadsheet once you have defined your Traverses.
- Any other information you wish to record in your Dips file is entered in Extra Columns, which are added with the Add Column option in the Edit menu.
Additional Rows
- If more than 100 rows are required, any number of additional rows can be appended to the end of the spreadsheet with the Append Row(s)
- Rows can be added anywhere in the spreadsheet with the Insert Row(s)
- Rows can be deleted anywhere in the spreadsheet with the Remove Row(s)
Plotting Data
Data can be plotted immediately as it is being entered, if you wish.
- For example, after creating the new Grid Data view, generate a Pole Plot.
- Tile the views with the Tile Vertically
- Start entering orientation data in the first row of the Grid. As soon as the first data pair has been entered, a pole will appear on the Pole Plot.
- Data will be plotted as it is entered, however, note that data must be entered continuously from the first row of the grid. Dips will only plot data up to the first blank row of the grid.
NOTE: Plotting data as it is being entered is not necessarily recommended procedure, it is simply mentioned here as a capability of the Dips program. In most cases, you will probably want to enter data in a maximized Grid Data view, and create plots after all data has been entered.