Plot Legends
For Stereonet Plots various Legends can be displayed according to the data which is currently being viewed.
Legend Visibility
- To show or hide all available legends select the main Legends checkbox in the Sidebar Plot Options.
- To show or hide individual legends (e.g., symbol, contour), use the individual check boxes underneath the main Legends checkbox in the Sidebar Plot Options or in the Legend Options dialog.
The following Legends can be displayed.
The Symbol Legend will display the legend for Symbolic Plots, basic pole or dip vector plots, Intersection Plots.
The Contour Legend will display the legend for pole / dip vector contour plots, or intersection contour plots.
Major Planes
The Major Planes Legend will display the legend for user added planes and mean set planes.
You can do this in the following ways:
- Right-click in the view, then select Legend Options > Major Planes from the popup menu
- Select the Major Planes plot button in the toolbar or the View menu
- Use Plot Options in the Sidebar, and use the Legend and/or Planes options to customize as required
If the plane orientation format is not Dip/DipDirection (e.g., Trend/Plunge) then click on the Convention option in the lower right corner of the screen, and toggle until Dip/DipDirection format is displayed.
In addition, you can toggle the display of weighted or unweighted planes with the Terzaghi Weighting option in the Sidebar or the View menu.
The Kinematic Legend will display a summary of results for the current Kinematic Analysis mode (e.g., Planar Sliding, Wedge Sliding, toppling).
The Properties Legend displays the main file properties (e.g., number of poles) and stereonet view settings (e.g., Projection, Hemisphere, etc.).