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Display Options

The Display Options Display options dialog available on the toolbar or View menu allows you to customize various display options including:


Display Options
Display Options

General display option setting allows you to change the mode of model view. When show rotation center box is turned on, the red center indicator will show at the center of the geometry view as you rotate the geometry as shown below:



Dispaly options - decimals
Dispaly options - decimals

This option is used primarily for model coordinates/ results. Choose the number of significant digits for the results in this setting.


Display Options - Viewports
Display Options - Viewports

Viewports allow you to modify each window view and zoom options.

Report Generator

Display Options - Report Generator
Display Options - Report Generator

Adjusts setting for Report Generator available in the toolbar.


Tab Visibility
Tab Visibility


Display Options - Advanced tab
Display Options - Advanced tab

The Advanced tab includes various Graphic options that users can turn on or off to best suit the hardware they are using, and optimize the speed and performance of the EX3 program.

These features include Hardware Accelerated Contour Rendering, a new more efficient way of constructing contours that can help results load faster, and can also help improve frame rate when manipulating geometry. In order to use Hardware-Accelerated Contour Rendering, Enable Hardware Acceleration must be turned on.


The Notification tab lets you turn on or off notifications for the following features:

  • Low Frame Rate Warning
  • Maintenance Plus Expiring Soon
  • Large History Warning
Notifications tab
Notifications tab
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