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2 - Materials and Staging

1.0 Introduction

This tutorial is a simple introductory to help you become familiar with the Multi Material option as well as basic modelling and data interpretation features of EX3.

Topics Covered in this Tutorial:

  • Multi Staging
  • Multi Material

Finished Product:

The finished product of this tutorial can be found in the Tutorial_02_-_Materials_and_Staging.Examine3 data file. All tutorial files installed with EX3 can be accessed by selecting File > Recent Folders > Tutorials Folder from the EX3 main menu.

2.0 Model Setup

2.1 Project Settings

When you open EX3 a new project file will automatically be created. Begin the tutorial by opening the Project Settings. To do so:

  1. Select Analysis > Project Settings (CTRL + J) from the menu or click on the Project Settings Project Settings icon in the toolbar.
  2. Select the Units tab and ensure the units are set to Metric, stress as MPa.
  3. Project Settings - Units
    Project Settings - Units
  4. Select the Stages tab change the Number of Stages to 4.
  5. Project settings - Stages
    Project settings - Stages
  6. Name the stages as follows:
  7. #



    Initial Geometry


    First Excavation


    Second Excavation



  8. Click OK to close the dialog.

2.2 Material Properties

  1. Select Materials > Define Materials in the menu or click on the Define Materials Define materials icon in the toolbar.
  2. By default, the first material is listed as Host Rock. Click on the Add Plus button button to add two more materials.
  3. Material Properties
    Material Properties - Backfill
  4. Enter the following properties for each material:
  5. Material Name

    Poisson's Ratio

    Young's Modulus (MPa)

    Host Rock






    Back Fill



  6. Click OK to close the dialog.

3.0 Geometry

3.1 Create a Plane

For this tutorial we will model a plane. To create a plane:

  1. Select Geometry > 3D Primitive Geometry > Plane from the menu or click on the Add 3D Primitives Add 3d primitives icon in the toolbar.
  2. Expand the Plane Definition and Plan Size menus and enter the following values:
  3. Origin

    • X = 0
    • Y = 0
    • Z = -40

    Plane Size

    • Width = 10
    • Height = 40
    Create Plane
    Create Plane
  4. Click OK to close the dialog.

    3.2 Extrude the Plane

    1. Select the plane by clicking on it in the viewport or selecting it in the Visibility Tree.
    2. Select Geometry > Extrude/Sweep/Loft Tools > Extrude in the menu or click on the Extrude Extrude icon in the toolbar.
    3. Extrude
    4. Enter the Direction as X = 16, Y = 0, Z = 80.
    5. Click OK to close the dialog.

    To define excavating zones, we will need to define four new planes in the following elevations:

    Plane 1

    Z = -15.0 m

    Plane 2

    Z = -5.0 m

    Plane 3

    Z = 5.0 m

    Plane 4

    Z = 15.0 m

    The Plane Size for all four planes should be set to:

    • Width = 50
    • Height = 40
    TIP: To see how to model a plane, follow the steps in section 3.1 Create a Plane.

    Your model should now look as follows:

    Model with added Planes

    4.0 Loading

    The options in the Loading menu allow you to define all of the various types of loads which can be applied to an EX3 model. For this model, we will be defining the Field Stress.

    4.1 Adding Stress Loading

    1. Select Loading > Field Stress from the menu or go to the Loads tab and click on the Field Stress Field stress icon in the toolbar.
    2. Leave the defaults as is and click on the Advanced button.
    3. Field stress
      Field stress
    4. For Backfill, select Apply Custom Field Stress and remove the initial stress by setting Sigma 1 (MPa), Sigma 2 (MPa), and Sigma 3 (MPa) to 0.
    5. Click OK.
    6. Divide all by selecting Geometry > Divide All Geometry in the menu.
    7. Divide all
      Divide All Parameters
    8. Leave the defaults as is and click OK.
    Model with added Load

    The program will automatically create the mesh in the background.

    5.0 Material Assignment

    You will now begin assign materials to the various stages. Begin by selecting your stage at the bottom of the window.

    You can use the Visibility controls in the top left of the screen to select a section of the model or you can click on the model itself.

    Visibility Tree

    Use the Properties controls to select the Applied Property for each section.

    Properties pane
    Properties Pane

    Define your stages as follows:

    • Stage 1: Initial Geometry

    Stage 1: Initial Geometry

    • Stage 2: First Excavation

    Stage 2

    • Stage 3: Second Excavation

    Stage 3

    • Stage 4: Backfill

    Stage 4

    6.0 Modifying the Mesh

    As mentioned previously, EX3 automatically creates the mesh in the background. You can view the mesh by clicking on the Mesh workflow tab.


    To adjust the density of your mesh:

    1. Select Mesh > Mesh Settings (CTRL + M) from the menu or go to the Mesh workflow tab and click on the Mesh Settings Mesh settings icon in the toolbar.
    2. Set the Mesh Density to High.
    Mesh settings dialog
    Mesh settings
    Model with Mesh

    7.0 Field Points

    To see the results around an excavation, field points need to be defined. User can define as many field points as they need.

    7.1 Add a Field Points Plane

    To add a Field Point Plane:

    1. Select Field Points > Add Field Points Plane > ZX Field Points Plane from the menu or go to the Field Points workflow tab and click on the Field Points Plane field points plane icon in the toolbar.
    2. You can adjust the mesh density to define the amount of field points. For this tutorial, we will set the Mesh Density to High.
    3. Create field points plane dialog
      Create field points plane
    4. Use your mouse to move the plane and insert it in the area of interest.
    5. Click OK to close the dialog.
    Model with Field Points Plane
    As you move through each stage of the model, the results will update.

    8.0 Compute

    Save and compute your results by selecting Compute > Compute from the menu or selecting the Compute workflow tab and clicking on the Compute compute icon icon in the toolbar.

    9.0 Results Visualization

    After computing, you have several options for viewing your results. You can view Displacement (X, Y, Z, Total Displacement) and Stress (Sigma1, Sigma 2, Sigma 3, mean stress, Sx, Sy, Sz, Sxy, Syz, Sxz). Use the drop down in the contour legend (on the right side of the screen) to make your selection.

    To see the results on the Field Point Plane, you can use the Visibility controls (on the left of the screen) to hide the backfill and ore zones.

    Stage 1 - Initial Displacement
    Stage 1 - Initial Displacement
    Stage 2 - Total Displacement
    Stage 2 - Total Displacement
    Stage 3 - Total Displacement
    Stage 3 - Total Displacement
    Stage 4 - Total Dispalcement
    Stage 4 - Backfill - Total Displacement

    This concludes the Multi-staging Multi Material tutorial; you may now exit the EX3 program.

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