Picked Wedges
The following are useful properties of Histograms and Scatter Plots in RocPlane:
- If you double-click the LEFT mouse button anywhere on a Histogram or Scatter plot, the nearest corresponding wedge from the plot, will be displayed in the 3D Wedge View and the 2D Wedge View.
- In addition, all other views of the current document will be updated, to display the results for the "Picked" wedge you have selected. For example, the Info Viewer will be updated to display the results for the selected wedge.
- Generate a Safety Factor Histogram.
- Double-click on the histogram at any desired Safety Factor (for example, Safety Factor = 1).
- Now look at the 3D Wedge view.
A new wedge will be displayed, corresponding to the point (along the X-axis of the Histogram) at which you clicked. This is an actual wedge generated by the Probabilistic analysis.
The Safety Factor of this particular wedge will be displayed in the title bar of the Wedge view, and the title bar will now indicate that you are viewing a "Picked" wedge. - Look at the Info Viewer. The Current Wedge Data corresponds to the "Picked" wedge you are viewing.
In addition to Safety Factor plots the above applies to Histograms or Scatter plots of any Data Type (e.g. Wedge Weight, Input Data variables, etc.).
This feature is meant to give you a general idea of the shape and orientation of wedges corresponding to locations on a Histogram or Scatter plot. For example, on a Safety Factor Histogram, you will probably want to double-click in the "red" Safety Factor region, to get an idea of the wedges that have a Safety Factor < 1.
Resetting the Mean Wedge
To reset all views so that the mean wedge data is displayed, select Reset Wedge from the View menu. This will re-display the wedge corresponding to the mean Probabilistic Input Data.
TIP: Use the Tile option in the Windows menu to tile views, so that you can immediately see the "Picked" wedge data displayed when you double-click on a part of a Histogram or Scatter plot.