Toppling Block Details
The Topping Block Details button is available at the top right of the Results Grid panel. Selecting this button will open a Detailed Toppling Block Information dialog that provides specified information on the individual sections of the active Toppling Block.
The following information is available for the active Toppling Block:
- Index - Block index starting from the right-most block (the last block is the Toe block)
- FS - Factor of Safety
- Block Height
- Block Weight
- Yn/ X - Block height to normal force location ratio
- Type
- Base Tension
- Pn-1, t - Supporting Normal force due to toppling
- Pn-1, s - Supporting Normal force due to sliding
- Pn-1, sh - Supporting Normal force due to shearing
- Pn-1, f - Supporting Normal force due to flexural bending
- Pn-1 - Supporting normal force
- Pn, t - Normal force due to toppling
- Pn, s - Normal force due to sliding
- Pn, sh - Normal force due to shearing
- Pn, f - Normal force due to flexural bending
- Pn - Normal force
- Qn - Joint Shear force
- Rn - Base Normal force
- Sn - Base Shear force
- Mode

Export to CSV
The Export to CSV option allows the user to export all or filtered data in the Detailed Toppling Block Information dialog to a CSV or Excel file.