Material Strength
In RocSlope2, a slope’s Material Properties consist of:
- Strength Type (only applicable to Block Flexure Toppling)
- Unit Weight

Strength Type
The Strength Type is the internal rock strength calculated for Block Flexural Toppling Analysis. Note that the internal rock strength can only be modeled using the Mohr-Coulomb strength criteria. See the Toppling Settings topic for more information.
For a Block Flexure Toppling model, you can specify the following Shear Strength parameters in the Slope Properties dialog:
- Friction Angle
- Cohesion
- Tensile Strength

Unit Weight
The Unit Weight represents the slope’s rock unit weight, which is used to determine the weight of the block formed.
Block Weight = Block Volume * Rock Unit Weight
The block weight is the primary driving force in the RocSlope2 stability analysis.