Add Bolt Pattern
A regular pattern of bolts can be applied to the perimeter of the excavation with the Add Bolt Pattern option. The pattern location, bolt length, spacing, orientation, and offset from origin can all be defined by the user.​
To apply a pattern of bolts to the analysis:
- Select Support > Bolt Patterns > Add
- This will open the Add Bolt Pattern dialog.
- Select the desired Bolt Property. To add, edit, or delete Bolt Properties, select the Edit icon next to the Bolt Property dropdown.
- Select the Slope Face or Upper Slope Face as the Installation Face.
- Set the Orientation method as Normal to Selected Face or defined by Trend and Plunge values.
- Provide values for the Bolt Length and Pattern Spacing parameters.
- Enter the Offset from Origin. This can be supplied by horizontal and vertical values, or by selecting the location graphically on the model.
- Select OK to apply the Bolt Pattern.
- Repeat these steps to add additional Bolt Patterns.
The Bolt Pattern functionality is not limited to a single Bolt Pattern. Multiple patterns can be applied with different bolt properties, lengths, spacing, orientations, etc.