Import From Dips
For any Dips file with at least one Joint Set defined (i.e., Add Set Freehand, Add Set Window, Add Set Circular, Add Set by Cluster Analysis), set statistics can be directly imported to RocSlope3 in the Define Synthetic Joint Properties dialog.
Dips is a program for the graphical and statistical analysis of orientation data using stereonets, available from Rocscience - click here for more information.
To import statistical orientation information from a Dips file:
- Select Joints > Define Synthetic Joints
- Select the Import from Dips
- You will see an Open File dialog. Navigate to the desired folder and open the desired Dips file. You may choose from:
- Dips .dip files (created by Dips version 5)
- Dips .dips6 files (created by Dips version 6)
- Dips .dips7 files (created by Dips version 7)
- Dips .dips8 files (created by Dips version 8)
- You will see an Import Synthetic Joints from Dips dialog, which provides a preview of all joint sets contained in the Dips file.
- Select the Terzaghi Weighting
(Weighted or Unweighted), if applicable. Terzaghi weighting is used in Dips to account for bias correction in joint orientation measurements (see the Terzaghi Weighting topic from Dips for more information).
- Select Overwrite Existing Synthetic Joint Properties to overwrite the existing Synthetic Joints in the Define Synthetic Joints dialog with the ones currently being imported. Deselect Overwrite Existing Synthetic Joint Properties to append.
- Click OK. All sets from the Dips File are added with the Mean Dip, Mean Dip Direction and Fisher K values from each Dips set and the default RocSlope3 Radius and Spacing values.
One Synthetic Joint Property is created for every Dips Joint Set and the Joint Orientation is fully defined by the following from Dips:
- Mean Dip
- Mean Dip Direction
- Fisher K
Radius and Spacing will need to be manually defined as these are not imported from Dips.