Define Shotcrete Properties
To define shotcrete properties:
- Select: Support > Define Shotcrete Properties
- The Define Shotcrete Properties dialog appears with a list of the currently defined shotcrete properties.

- By default there is one shotcrete property available to be edited. If additional shotcrete properties are required, you can select the Add
button to define the number of required shotcrete properties.
- Define the Shear Strength, Unit Weight, and Thickness of the shotcrete.
- Click OK to save the defined shotcrete properties and exit the dialog.
Shear Strength
The Shear Strength of the shotcrete multiplied by the Thickness determines the passive support force which can be generated by the shotcrete per unit length of block's free surface perimeter (i.e., the exposed perimeter of the block at the slope surface).
Unit Weight
The Unit Weight of the shotcrete is used to determine the total weight of shotcrete which has been applied to the free face of a (daylighting) block. The weight of shotcrete per block is given by the Unit Weight x Thickness x Face Area of the block. The weight of shotcrete is added to the block weight and included in the limit equilibrium stability calculations. The shotcrete weight can noticeably affect the Factor of Safety of a block if the thickness of the layer is significant.
The Thickness of the shotcrete layer is assumed to be uniform throughout.