Compute Blocks
RocTunnel3 has a two-part Compute process. The first step is to compute the Blocks which are formed by the intersection of Joints with other Joints, and the intersection of Joints with the free surface.
To Compute the Blocks:
- Navigate to the Compute workflow tab
- Select Analysis > Compute Blocks
The Compute Blocks dialog will indicate the progress of the Block determination, using the Block Generator Parameters (in the Advanced tab of Project Settings dialog) and taking into account any Search Limits which have been defined.
If the Compute Blocks option is disabled, then the model is incomplete and cannot be computed. For example:
- If the External Geometry is undefined.
- If no Joints exist (Measured Joints, Synthetic Joint Sets, or Joint Surfaces)
Block Results
Once Compute Blocks is finished, the Results node is added to the Visibility Tree and All Valid Blocks are shown in the 3D View. The Results node consists of the collection of valid blocks and the socketed excavation surface. The original External and Joints visibility are turned off.
The blocks are colored according to the Block Colors option set in the Results node's Property Pane (also available in Display Options dialog). By default, Block Colors is set to Random Colors which colors each adjacent blocks a different color to be able to easily distinguish between different blocks. Program default Block Colors can be set in Display Options.
Compute Blocks only determines the geometry of the blocks. In order to obtain other information such as the factor of safety, Compute Kinematics needs to be run.