Auto Search Limit
The Auto Search Limits option in RocTunnel3 automatically determines the Search Limits based on:
- The extents of joint clusters exposed to excavation surface. These include:
- Singular joints which are exposed to excavation surface
- Joints which intersect and are exposed to excavation surface
- Singular joints which are exposed to excavation surface
- The extents of External geology.
An oriented Z-axis aligned bounding box defines the Search Limit. An Auto Search Limit is equivalent to:
- Search Limit Type = Completely Inside.
- Blocks on Non-terrain Surface are Considered Invalid = True.
The XY extents is determined by a minimum area bounding box which bounds the joints. The Z extents of the the bounding box is determined by the min and max elevations of the External geology.
In some cases, where the excavation surface extends beyond the XY extents of the joints, the Auto Search Limit may not extend far enough to capture the blocks in this region.