Contour Blocks
The Contour Blocks feature is a heatmap that shows the areas of the excavation which have blocks of the highest/lowest computed values.
The availability of Contour Data depends on the analysis mode. In a Deterministic Analysis, the computed values for each block are unique, whereas for a Probabilistic Analysis, computed values for each block may vary between different sample runs. Therefore, in a Probabilistic Analysis only critical values are reported.
In a Deterministic Analysis, the following data is available:
- Factor of Safety
- Weight
- Volume
- Driving Force
- Resisting Force
- Required Support Pressure
- Failure Depth
- Excavation Face Area
- Failure Iteration
In a Probabilistic Analysis, the following data is available:
- Min. Factor of Safety - minimum factor of safety for all sample runs of a given block
- Max. Weight - maximum block weight for all sample runs of a given block
- Max. Require Support Pressure - maximum required support pressure for all sample runs of a given block
- Max. Failed Depth - maximum failed depth for all sample runs of a given block
- Probability of Failure - sum of all failed samples (FS < Design FS) / total samples for the given block
The blocks contoured can be for All Valid Blocks or for a subset of blocks which only encompass Removable Blocks or Failed Blocks. See the Results Set topic for more information.