Plot in Excel
Any of the data which can be graphed in RS2, can also be exported to Microsoft Excel and graphed in Excel. Data which may be exported to Excel includes:
- Material Query Data
- Bolt Data
- Liner Data
- Joint Data
There are two ways in which data can be exported to Excel.
- While using any of the graph options (Graph Material Query, Graph Bolt Data, Graph Liner Data, Graph Joint Data), the Plot in Excel button can be selected in the Graph Data dialog.
- Alternatively, after a graph has been created in RS2, you can right-click on the graph and select Plot in Excel from the popup menu.
In either case, the following will occur:
- The Microsoft Excel program will automatically be launched (if you have Excel installed on your computer).
- The raw data used to generate a graph will be exported to an Excel spreadsheet.
- A graph will be created in Excel.
You can then customize the graph or process the data as desired, in Excel.