Convert Boundary
The Convert Boundary option can be used to convert an existing boundary in your model into a different type of boundary, or drawing tool.
This saves the trouble of having to delete a boundary and re-enter the coordinates as a different boundary type. For example, you might want to convert a Joint boundary into a Material boundary. This could be easily done with the Convert Boundary option.
To use Convert Boundary:
- Select Convert Boundary from the Edit sub-menu of the Boundaries menu. Convert Boundary is also available in the toolbar if you select the drop-list arrow beside the Move Boundary toolbar button.
- Use the mouse to select the boundaries you would like to convert. NOTE:
- you can select any type of RS2 model boundary to convert
- you can select any number of boundaries at the same time
- you can select different types of boundaries at the same time
- When you are finished selecting, press Enter or right-click and select Done Selection.
- You will see a dialog which allows you to select the new boundary type. NOTE:
- you may choose from Material, Stage, Joint, Structural Interface, Piezometric Line boundaries or Polyline drawing tool
- if the selected boundary forms a closed polygon, then you will have the additional choices of converting the boundary into an Excavation boundary or a Polygon drawing tool
- Select a boundary type in the dialog, select [OK], and all selected boundaries will be converted into the new boundary type.