Mesh Overview
After defining all boundaries, the finite element mesh can be created. RS2 incorporates a state-of-the-art 2 dimensional automatic finite element mesh generator, which can generate meshes based on either triangular or quadrilateral finite elements.
The advanced meshing algorithm used in RS2 enormously simplifies the task of mesh generation for the user - a high quality mesh can be generated with just one mouse click!!
To give the user maximum flexibility in defining the mesh, the mesh generation procedure consists of two general steps:
- Discretization
- Meshing
The main parameters controlling the discretization and meshing, are found in the Mesh Setup dialog (e.g. mesh type, element type). Various other options can be used to customize the mesh if required, and the mesh quality can be checked.
Before the mesh is generated the boundaries must first be Discretized. This process subdivides the boundary line segments into discretizations which will form the framework of the finite element mesh. To discretize the boundaries, select the Discretize option.
After discretizing, the finite element mesh can be generated. The mesh is based on the discretization of the boundaries, and the mesh and element types selected in the Mesh Setup dialog. To generate the mesh, select the Mesh option.
Discretize and Mesh
A shortcut to Discretize and Mesh is to select the Discretize and Mesh option. This will automatically discretize the boundaries AND generate the mesh, with a single mouse click. This is useful if you do not need to customize the discretization, or to quickly re-apply the discretization and mesh if it has already been customized.
Customizing the Mesh
Several different options are available for customizing the mesh, which give the user complete control over the discretization and meshing. This includes the following options:
Advanced Mesh Regions (in the Mesh Setup dialog)
Increase Discretization Density
Mapped Meshing
The options in the Mapped Meshing sub-menu allow you to generate a regular (mapped) mesh of triangles or quadrilaterals within any 3-sided or 4-sided region of the model.
Mesh Quality
The options in the Mesh Quality sub-menu allow you to check the quality of the mesh, and highlight problem areas which may need custom discretization or editing of boundaries to avoid poor quality elements (i.e. long thin elements which can lead to numerical problems).