If you are creating a multi-stage model in RS2, you need to define the number of Stages in the Project Settings dialog. To define or edit the number of stages, select the Stages page of the Project Settings dialog. The following Stage options are available, depending on the selections of other Project Settings (e.g. dynamic analysis, transient groundwater, coupled analysis).
Number of Stages
If you are creating a new model then simply enter the Number of Stages in the edit box or use the spinner control to increase or decrease the number. The grid in the dialog will be updated to reflect the number of stages. You can then enter user-defined stage names.
If you are editing an existing model, and you want to add or remove stages from the END of the current list of stages, then you can change the Number of Stages to the desired number. Stages will be added or deleted from the END of the current list of stages.
The maximum number of stages allowed is 300.
Stage Time
If you are performing Transient groundwater analysis, Transient thermal analysis or Dynamic analysis, then you must define the Time at each stage. NOTE:
- The Time Units will correspond to the Time Units selected on the General page of the Project Settings dialog. If necessary, go to the General page and choose the desired time units.
- You can also define the time by calendar date. If you select the Define by Date
button at the right of the dialog, a date column will appear. Times will automatically be calculated according to the date.
Dynamic Analysis
If you are performing Dynamic analysis, you can turn the dynamic analysis on or off at any stage by selecting the Dynamic check box for the desired stage(s).
Note: when SSR and dynamic analysis are both on - the last stage cannot be dynamic.
Thermal Analysis
If you are performing Transient Thermal analysis, AND the Define Method by Stage checkbox is selected, you can define the thermal method for each stage by using the dropdown menu and select one of Static, Steady, or Transient method.
Coupled Analysis
If you are performing Coupled Analysis (e.g. for consolidation analysis), then transient groundwater is automatically enabled, and you can define a Drainage condition for each stage (drained, undrained, fully drained). The drainage condition options are defined as follows:
- Drained – Time dependent drainage is allowed. Fluid can move into and out of the model, total volume (voids and soil skeleton) can change. Drainage is a function of time. Excess pore pressures can exist. Transient pore pressure state.
- Undrained – Fluid cannot move into or out of the model. Zero volume change. Excess pore pressure is a function of applied loads.
- Fully drained – Zero excess pore pressure. Drained analysis at infinite time. Steady-state result.
Edit Stages
If you are editing an existing model, and you want to add or remove stages starting at some INTERMEDIATE stage, then you must use the Edit Stages option.
- To add stages, click on a stage name and select the Insert Before or Insert After buttons to insert the desired number of stages before or after the selected stage.
- To delete stages, click on a stage name and select Delete.
- After stages have been created you can name them as required.
If you add or delete intermediate stages for an existing model, you should check the model carefully to make sure that all excavations, support, properties etc, are assigned at the desired stages. You may have to edit the model after adding or deleting intermediate stages to achieve the desired stage assignments.
Stage Names
The stage names can be customized at any time:
- In the Project Settings dialog
- By right-clicking on a Stage Tab and selecting Rename from the popup menu
- By double-clicking on a Stage Tab.
NOTE: If you customize a stage name, the corresponding Stage Tab still indicates the stage number, displayed before the name.