Composite Liner Overview
A Composite Liner in RS2 is a liner which may consist of multiple layers of material. The different layers of a Composite Liner may have different material properties, and may be applied at different stages. A Composite Liner may also include a single joint.
Adding Composite Liners
Composite Liners are added to a model in exactly the same way that regular (single layer) liners are added: using the Add Liner option (i.e. for the purpose of adding to a model, a Composite Liner is treated as a single liner entity).
Composite Liner Properties
The layering of a Composite Liner is defined as follows:
- A Composite Liner may consist of up to 4 different layers. The properties of each layer of a Composite Liner, are defined using the Define Liner Properties dialog.
- A joint may also be included in the Composite Liner, between the rock and the first layer or between any two layers. The properties of the joint are defined using the Define Joint Properties dialog.
- The overall layer structure of the Composite Liner, and the staging sequence of the layers, is defined with the Define Composite Properties dialog.
Display of Composite Liners
In the RS2 Model program, Composite Liners will appear the same as a regular (single layer) liner (i.e. as thick coloured line segments on a boundary). In the RS2 Interpret program, a Composite Liner can be expanded to display the individual layers of the Composite Liner.