What's New
The following is a listing of major feature additions which have been made in the latest Maintenance + release of RS2.
For a list of changes and bug fixes since the initial release of, RS2 see the RS2 Update History page.
Version 11.026
- Option to include or exclude the Python interpreter, Python Integrated Development Environment, and RS2 Python library during installation
- Update Python to 3.13
- Access to RSInsight
- Read unknown boundary conditions from Slide2 models
Version 11.025
Version 11.024
- More accurate liner results: output at nodes and the Smoothing Limit
- Liner strain results: Curvature and Axial Strain
- Dynamic Analysis Export
- Minimum and maximum time step for Transient Groundwater and Thermal FEA
- Improved Joint Convergence for Shear Failure
- Account for Water Content Compressibility for coupled groundwater analysis
Version 11.023
Version 11.022
- Calculate effective stress in the unsaturated zone - new Unsaturated Behavior models
- Detailed explanation for Mv parameter - new Mv models
- Account for Moisture Unit Weight - Dry/Saturated/Moist Unit Weights
- Alternative water content input mode: Degree of Saturation
- Liner stage factors for unit weight and thermal properties
Version 11.020
- Liner expansion strain (including liner types of Standard Beam, Reinforced Concrete, Geosynthetic, and Cable Truss)
- Improved Ponded Water Load and Induced Load display. Auto-calculated Ponded Loads show location of application in modeler. In Interpreter, induced loads can be viewed by Factor or by Location; Auto-calculated Ponded Loads can be viewed by Location or Value.
Version 11.019
- Documentation on modelling undrained behaviour (RS2 Verification Manual – Stress #32 and Excavation Example Manual)
- Automatic chart update
- Large compressed files support
Version 11.018
- Display Induced Loading Magnitudes in Interpreter
- Tabular strength for joint
- Display pore pressure on ponded water load
- Print/Add multiple results view
- Switch joint properties UI to grid
- Output for 2 node spring results
- Stage liner properties relatively to the installed stage
- Add dilation angel for Mohr Coulomb joint
- Validate water content and porosity input
- Bring existing window to front when switching between minimized Modeler and Interpreter
Version 11.017
- Two-Noded Spring for Composite Liner or Any Node
- Liner Connection for Liners, Composite Liners, and Structural Interface
- Edit Properties for Multiple Bolts, Piles, Joints, Wick Drains, and Structural Interfaces
- PM4 Sand and PM4 Silt Material Model
- Improved Automatic Ponded Water Load: follow top surface movements
- Thermal Display Options
- Thermal Flow Vectors
- Contour - Fill Out of Range Option
Version 11.016
Version 11.014
- New engine UI that displays more details on the process and progress of finite element solution
- History query, new option for results visualization and report in RS2-Interpret
- Offline help is no longer supported
Version 11.013
- Axisymmetric Analysis documentation
- Automatic Ponded Load for free surface
- Warning for no restraint in solids; in fluid upon opening computed model
Version 11.012
- Interval time frequency
- Query points on joint intersection
- Time query line: plot raw data
- Improve Stress Path option
Version 11.011
- Use Legacy Automatic Liner Removal
- New Piled Raft Foundation tutorial
- Pile modelling using new pile elements
- Additional SSR option for Hoek Brown Material
Version 11.010
- Degree of Saturation added to User Data options
Version 11.008
- Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM)
- Add a separate suction cut off for unsaturated strength
- New options addded for Seepage Face Condition
- New Tutorial: Applications of Joint Networks (with XFEM)
- New Tutorial: Conversion to XFEM
Version 11.006
- Stress plotting for Dynamic Time Query has been split into Total Stress and Effective Stress
- Option added to apply Constant Ground Water Boundary Conditions
- Option added to apply Constant Restraint
- New Dynamic Theory Manual
Version 11.005
- Wavin added to library of Geosynthetic support products
Version 11.004
- User can assign anisotropic surface for anisotropic permeability
- Restrain excess pore pressure from undrained material option
- Assign Boundary Condition to selected side of Joint
- Additional pressure in joint can be assigned by selecting piezometric line
Version 11.003
- Strain Softening for Joints
Version 11.002
- Dynamic Data Analysis tutorial
- Comprehensive convergence check
- Dynamic boundary condition: Hydromass / nodal mass
- New dynamic verification models (FLAC, Hysteretic damping model,etc)
- Relief Well
- Properties table setting
- Batch printing
- New Dynamic Boundary Conditions (Hydro Mass, Nodal Mass)
- Report Generator
- Improve Joint Convergence
- Finn-Martin Model