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Solver Options

Analysis Type

The Analysis Type refers to the interaction between fluid pore pressure and solid stresses and deformation.


The default analysis is Uncoupled (i.e. changes in pore pressure do not affect deformation and changes in loading or deformation do not affect pore pressure). This is the case for a total stress analysis (i.e. deformation is a result of changes in total stress).


The fully Coupled analysis based on Biot theory, is used for time-dependent consolidation analysis problems, in which changes in pore pressure can affect deformation and changes in loading or deformation can affect pore pressure.

See the Coupled Consolidation document in the theory section for more information.

Solver Type

The Solver Type determines how Compute solves the matrix representing the system of equations defined by your model. Three methods are available:

  • Automatic - For automatic solver type, the program chooses between direct and iterative method to solve system of equations (recommended).
  • Direct - Direct solver type uses inverse matrix operation in solving system of equations.
  • Iterative - Iterative solver type is used for larger and more complex models with large memory requirement.
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