Joint/DFN/Interface Results Overview
The mechanical response of joint and liner interface in a model (See Define Joint Properties and Liner Interface Overview for information on joint properties and liner interface, respectively) becomes accessible after computing the stress analysis. Once the analysis is complete, result entities for joint and liner interface are generated when navigating to the Results workflow tab. These entities store simulated data for the joint and liner interface counterparts and allow control over contour plot appearance, along with other composite liner-related functionalities.
To view result of liner or interface layers of composite liners:
- Compute stress analysis and open Results tab.
- From the Legend pane on the right-hand side of the viewport, select Interfaces & Joint for the Result type; and
- Select data type to display from the dropdown menu below.
In general, the following data types are displayed for liners:
- Relative X Displacement
- Relative Y Displacement
- Relative Z Displacement
- Relative Normal Displacement
- Relative Shear Displacement
- Normal Stress
- Shear Stress
- Plastic Strain
The interface data shows the relative values with respect to the response of entities on either side of the interface.
The mode of failure and the failure location can be displayed on liner result entities by selecting the failure mode from Interpret>Yielded Element>Pick Yielded Elements. In RS3, failure of joint elements may occur in two different modes that are shear and tension.
Result Display
Result entities are generated corresponding to each joint entity, DFN entity, or composite liner entity, which has one or more interface layers. Toggling the EYE icon next to the joint or interface result entity under Visibility pane controls the visibility state on visibility pane.
Properties Pane
The properties pane of DFN, Joint, and Liner Interface result entity shows a grid of layers consisting of the counterpart. Currently, the DFN and Joint result entity shows no more than a single layer even if they consist of more than one interface. For the liner interface, however, the grid lists all interface layers consisting of that composite liner.