Add Loads to Selected
To use the Add Loads to Selected function:
- Select the Loads workflow tab
- Select a face, edge, vertex, or entity on the model.
- Select: Loading > Add Loads or Add Loads
> Add Loads to Selected under dropdown menu from the toolbar.
- In the Add Load dialog:
- Select the Load Type (Uniform, Elevation, or Ponded Water Load)
- Enter the Magnitude of the load
- Define the Orientation of the load (Vector, Trend/Plunge, Normal, Local +x, Local +y, Local +z)
- Define the stage of the load (Install at stage, and remove at stage). Stage factors can be applied.
- Install at stage and remove at stage determine when the load will be applied and until when
- Stage factors are applied by checking the check box
- Add the desired amount of stages where the magnitude factor changes.
- If a stage factor is not applied to consequent stages, the same magnitude of the last defined stage will be applied to the following
- The Preview button displays the magnitude and direction of the load applied. It is used to ensure that the magnitude and orientation was chosen correctly. Switch to the desired stage and click on the preview button to see the load applied. The load is not automatically updated when switching stages