Add Springs to Selected
To use the Add Springs to Selected function:
- Select: Loads workflow tab
- Select a vertex, or vertices on the model
- Select: Loading > Add Springs to Selected under the dropdown menu from the toolbar.
- In the Add Spring dialog:
- Enter the Initial Loading of the springs in the global x,y,z directions.
- Enter the Spring Stiffness coefficients in each coordinate.
- Define the stage of the load (Install at stage/Remove at stage).
Nodal Springs
Nodal springs can be applied to the vertices of the model. Nodal spring values are applied relative to the global axis, which can be seen at the bottom left of each Viewport.
Initial Force
The initial Force represents the force that is initially applied to the spring. If no initial force is placed on the springs simply set the values to 0.
Spring Stiffness
Each value represents the spring’s stiffness in the global direction, as in Kx is the stiffness in the x-direction.
Spring Results
The computed forces of the spring can be seen in the results tab under “Springs” where the forces for each spring in the X, Y, Z direction and the total force as shown below.