Beams Overview
Beams in RS3 are three-dimensional support elements that can be used to model a variety of support types including steel or concrete beams, steel sets, piles, trusses or similar support elements.
Beams are also used as the basis of pile support in RS3. Piles are beams with additional properties to account for the interface strength and stiffness.
Defining Beams
Beams properties, such as strength and stiffness, are defined with the Define Beams option. For purposes of defining properties, there are two main beam types:
Adding Beams
Beams are added to the model as single beams or beam patterns, with the Add Beam option.
Editing or Deleting Beams
Beams can edited or deleted at any time using the Properties Pane and Visibility Pane.
Beam Theory
For information about the numerical implementation of beam support in RS3 see the Beams and Plates document in the RS3 Theory section.