The Tieback bolt model in RS3 allows you to model grouted tieback support. Bolts may be pre-tensioned and grouted with a user-defined bonded length. In terms of its implementation in the RS3 analysis engine, a tieback uses the same formulation as the Swellex/Split Set bolt model, with allowance for an unbonded length.
For more information regarding the bolt models and their numerical implementation in RS3, see the Bolt Formulation document in the Theory section.
The following properties define a Tieback bolt in RS3.
Bolt Diameter
The diameter of the tieback bolt.
Bolt Modulus
The Young’s Modulus of the bolt steel.
Tensile Capacity
The peak tensile capacity of the bolt steel.
Residual Tensile Capacity
The residual tensile capacity of the bolt steel.
Bond Strength
This is the maximum shear force capacity along the Bond Length of the tieback. This should be the lesser of the bolt/grout interface strength or the grout/(rock or soil) interface strength. The Bond Strength is expressed as a Force per unit Bond Length.
Bond Shear Stiffness
This is the shear stiffness of the bolt/(rock or soil) interface. Note that the units of Shear Stiffness are FORCE / LENGTH / LENGTH. The Shear Stiffness can be thought of as follows:
- On a shear force vs. shear displacement graph, the Shear Stiffness is equal to the slope of the Elastic portion of the graph. Remember shear force is expressed as a FORCE / LENGTH therefore the units of the Shear Stiffness are FORCE / LENGTH / LENGTH.
Borehole Diameter
The borehole diameter is only used if:
- the Joint Shear option is turned on, and
- the unbonded length of a tieback crosses a joint or liner interface element.
In this case, the borehole diameter (minus the tieback diameter) determines how much joint movement can take place before the joint movement impinges on the tieback. The borehole diameter has no effect on the interaction of joints with the bonded length of the tieback.
Face Plates
The Face Plates option accommodates the effect of face plates used on bolts.
- If the Face Plates checkbox is selected, then the first vertex of each bolt will be "fixed" to the rock mass, allowing the bolt to develop load starting at the face plate.
- If the Face Plates checkbox is NOT selected, then the load at the beginning of the bolt will be zero.
Bolts with face plates are drawn with a small rectangular icon at the beginning of the bolt, to indicate the presence of the face plate.
Bond Length
The bonded (grouted) length of the tieback, measured from the embedded end of the tieback. The Bond Length can be defined as:
- a percentage of the total tieback length
- an absolute length
by selecting one of the two options in the dialog and entering a value.
Secondary Bond Length
The Secondary Bond Length allows you to define an additional bond length after the initial installation of the tieback. The secondary bond length is added to the initial (primary) bond length. For example, if the initial bond length is 40% and the secondary bond length is 60%, the tieback would be fully bonded.
To define a secondary bond length:
- Select the Secondary Bond Length checkbox and select the Define button.
- You will see a dialog which allows you to define the secondary bond length as a percentage of the total bolt length, as an absolute length or as fully bonded (100% bond length). You must also choose the installation stage for the secondary bond length, with respect to the installation stage of the bolt.
Pre-Tensioning Force
See the Pre-Tensioning topic for information.
Joint Shear
See the Joint Shear topic for information.