What's New
The following is a listing of major feature additions which have been made in the latest Maintenance + release of RS3.
For a list of changes and bug fixes since the initial release of, RS3 see the RS3 Update History page.
Version 4.031
- Hybrid Mesh
- Deformed configuration
- Import QUIKSLOPE data
- Cancel button for DFN operation
- Editing the location of SSR/Plastic/Hybrid regions
- Groundwater Verification
- Consolidation Verification
- Theory Manual for Hybrid Mesh
- Hybrid Mesh Example
- DFN Example
- Documentation for the result’s legend
Version 4.029
- Discrete Fracture Network (DFN)
- Recovery the analysis if the computation is canceled midway through
- Advanced bolt selection tool for bolt results
- Copy joint data within the joint property dialog
- DFN tutorial
- Bolt results documentation
Version 4.028
- Plastic Region
- Adding the option to show the contours passing the min/max limit
- Checkbox to use unsaturated shear strength
- Example manual-Relief Well
- Help page for strength factor calculation
Version 4.027
- Updating liner properties based on installed stage
- SSR option for Barton-Bandis and Geosynthetic Hyperbolic joint slip criterion
- Importing Sysdam data
- “Open File Location” option is added to File Menu
- Tunnel Designer help page
- Joint Verification
Version 4.026
- Plotting line query based on stage number and stage time
- Exporting plotted curve directly to Excel
- Copy and past functionality for “time” column in staging tab in project setting
- Data grid to assign prescribed displacement in multi staged model
- Search bar in RS3
Version 4.025
- Preview button to display loads before they are applied
Version 4.024
- Display failure of all joints for generalized anisotropic materials.
Version 4.023
- Pile connection to liner can be selected as assigned to first layer or all layers
- Accelerated convergence criteria for faster analysis
- Visualization of tensile failure in beams and liners
- Dip/Dip Direction option to define joint orientation for Jointed Mohr Coulomb and Jointed Generalized Hoek-Brown materials
Version 4.022
- Define liner local coordinates for contouring and querying liner results
- Save option with file size optimization in history cleaning process (to reduce file size)
- Lasso selection mode when using the mouse
- Visibility Pane Selection Tab for saving the selection of multiple volumes, faces, edges and vertices
Version 4.014
- Using SQLite database to store and retrieve geometry in a fast and efficient way
- Import Maptek Data
- Add new regions of interest to RS3 that allow rapid results viewing similar to EX3
- Ability to view discharge velocity vectors
- Ability to rapidly preview isosurfaces bound to regions of interest in RS3 similar to EX3
- Ability to define the Generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion using GSI, mi and D
Version 4.011
- Add Springs to Selected
- Add joint Surface - ability to define removal stage of a joint surface
- User Data
- New view port display option
- Grid Data visualization
- Normal and shear stresses from a plane
- Align camera with selected plane or face
- Right click property table tools (Improved annotation tool)
- Clean history
- Fixing Memory leaks
Sensor data import
Version 4.007
- RS2 Import to RS3
- Contour shading option
- Advanced Display Options
- Additional Pressure Inside Joint - Joint properties
Version 4.005
- Tunnel Designer and tutorials
- Sequence tunnel designer
- Cross section tunnel design
- Tunnel design with boreholes
- RS2 import to RS3 tunnel design
- Performance improvements with the following features:
- The following problems have been addressed:
- Divide all, Add to external, Segmenter
- Improved material assignments to ensure that the new external pieces inherit from the correct parent pieces.
- Efforts have been made to identify the boundaries of the solid pieces in cases where highly complex and poorly intersected geometries present in the process.
- Fewer sliver or high aspect ratio pieces.
- Volume meshing
- Improved speed and accuracy in determining the material assignment of solid elements.
- Feedback with greater detail has been added to inform the user of problems with geometries.
- EX3 Import to RS3
- Discharge Section Information in Properties Pane
Having a model with discharge sections, user should be able to select a discharge section to see the direction and magnitude of the vector in the properties pane. - Add Line Query at Intersection
In case of defined a contour plane that has some geometry intersecting it, user can create a query line at the intersection of the contour plane with the geometry. - Labels on Line Queries
Having a line query, user can now see the locations and data values at each sample. Selecting a polyline, bolt, beam, pile, or forepole query, the properties pane now has four additional checkboxes:- Show Sample Value - off by default
- Show Sample Positions - off by default
- Show Sample Nodes - show dots at the sample points; on by default (documented in another Task)
- Show Contour - draw the contour colour; on by default (documented in another Task)
- New tutorial: Discharge sections - Additional Exercise in Relief Well tutorial.
Version 4.002
- Groundwater Seepage Analysis
- Relief Well
- Wick Drains
- Structural liner interfaces and tutorials
- Anchored Sheet Pile wall
- Tunnel with Liner and Joint
- Joint Slope SSR tutorial
- Joint Properties
- Graph shear strength reduction
- Simplify Geometry
- Improved Report Generator
- IDS Radar Data Import
- Import Tre Altamira radar data
- Section Export for RS2
- Add surface from points
- Advanced Material Models