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Pre-Investigation Planning

This feature is designed to help you plan for the your site investigation by preparing a list of proposed test holes. To plan for a new site investigation:

  1. Create a new project or select the subject project (see how),
  2. Go to the Test Holes page,
  3. Click on Pre-Investigation Planning button.

This opens a new page that allows you to add the proposed test holes to a list.

Proposed Test Holes

To add a proposed test holes to the list, click on + New button on top of the table:

  • Name: the program generates a test hole name by default. You can change the Name by editing this cell.
  • Type: select the type of test hole.
  • Engineer: select the RSLog username of the field engineer responsible for subsurface investigation of this test hole.
  • Depth: enter how deep you are planning to go for this test hole.
  • Location: click on this cell to open a new dialog box for selecting the proposed location of this test hole. Please note the coordinate system used to specify the location of test holes is defined at the project level:
    • Specify Location On the Map: select this option if you prefer to choose the location of the proposed test hole on the map. To do so, select this option and click Save. Then click on the map to specify the test hole location.
    • Enter Coordinates: click on the second option on the dialog box to enter the test hole coordinates. Depending on the project's coordinate system you will see either Latitude/Longitude or Easting/Northing. Enter the coordinates and click Save.
    • To update the coordinates of a test hole, click on Coordinates cell and wait until the dialog box appears. Choose the desired option and enter the new coordinates.
  • Field Tests: click on this cell to open the list of field tests. In the new dialog box enter notes for applicable field tests. For example if you are planning for conducting SPT tests, you can enter "SPT tests at 10 ft intervals or at layer changes" in the cell next to SPT test.
  • Samples: click on this cell to open the list of sampling methods. In the new dialog box enter notes for applicable sample types. For example if you are planning to take undisturbed Shelby samples, you can enter "Shelby tube samples in clay layers at every 10 ft" in the cell next to Shelby sample type.
  • Piezometer / Well: if you are planning to install a piezometer / well in this test hole, select the checkbox in this cell.
  • Notes: click on this cell to enter any notes for this test hole. This could be additional information about the location, depth, expected drilling challenges, nearby underground utilities, etc.
The list of proposed test holes prepared by the Pre-Investigation Planning feature is merely a 'plan' or 'note' for your site investigation. These test holes become an RSLog test hole when you start entering data for them (see below).

Start Data Entry

During/following the site investigation, you can start data entry for your planned test holes:

  1. Open the Pre-Investigation Planning page,
  2. In the list of proposed test holes, hover on the desired test hole,
  3. Click on Create Test Hole button (pencil icon) at the right end of that row in the table,
  4. You will be redirected to the test hole data entry page. At this point, RSLog has automatically filled the following data for you:
    1. Name of test hole,
    2. Test Hole Type,
    3. Depth of test hole,
    4. Location of test hole,
    5. Progress Status is set to Drilling / Excavating and subsequently the progress bar on Test Holes page is updated to reflect the site investigation progress,
    6. Logged By is filled by user's full name,
    7. Started Date and End Date are set to today's date,
    8. Samples tab: the notes you entered for Samples cell on the Pre-Investigation Planner page, will be shown as a note in Sample tab,
    9. Field Tests tab: the notes you entered for Field Tests cell on the Pre-Investigation Planner page, will be shown as a note in Field Tests tab,
    10. Piezometer / Well tab: if on the Pre-Investigation Planner page you indicated that a piezometer / well is planned for this test hole, a note will be shown on this tab,
As soon as you start data entry for a planned test hole, it will be removed from the list of planned boreholes on Pre-Investigation Planner page, and will be added to the list of project test holes on Test Holes page.
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