Groundwater Data
RSLog covers the following groundwater measurements:
- Groundwater Observation During/After Drilling: in order to enter groundwater observed during drilling, edit test hole and on the General tab click the link Groundwater Observed During Drilling. This will open a dialog where you can enter the following groundwater levels under the "Groundwater Level to Show in the Test Hole Log" section:
- During Drilling: represents the groundwater depth measured during the drilling. This will use the symbol
on the borehole log.
- Short Term After: represents the groundwater depth measured shortly after the drilling (depending on how 'short term' is defined by the engineer). This will use the symbol
on the borehole log.
- Long Term After: represents the groundwater depth measured after the drilling (depending on how 'long term' is defined by the engineer). This will use the symbol
on the borehole log.
- During Drilling: represents the groundwater depth measured during the drilling. This will use the symbol
- Groundwater Measurements After Drilling: if a piezometer / well is installed in the test hole, groundwater monitoring data is entered on Instrumentation tab during test hole data entry.
Different Type of Groundwater Measurement?
If you would like to add a different type of groundwater measurement please create an Extra Tags for your boreholes. The data entry for the Extra Tags can be done by editing a borehole and opening Extra Tags tab on the right side of the page.
Depth vs Elevation
RSLog calculates groundwater elevation based on the groundwater depth and borehole collar elevation. If collar elevation is not available, groundwater elevation won't be calculated/displayed.
Showing Groundwater Data on the Header/Footer of the Log
- As a Number: to show groundwater depth or elevation, add a Database Field element to the header or footer of your log template. Link the Source property of this element to Water Depth or Water Elevation under the Groundwater section. If data is not available for this element, "N/A" will be shown on the borehole log.
- As an 'Extra Tag': to show an Extra Tag groundwater depth or elevation, add a Database Field element to the header or footer of your log template. Link the Source property of this element to your desired Extra Tag under the Extra Tags section.
- As a Table: to show groundwater depth and elevation as a table vs time (see example below), add a Database Field element to the header or footer of your log template. Link the Source property of this element to Piezometer Readings under the Groundwater section.
- If piezometer groundwater measurements are not available, nothing will be shown on the log.
- To change the title of the first column in groundwater table, use the First Column property on the left property panel.

Showing Groundwater Symbol on a Log Column
Groundwater can be shown on the following log columns: Depth Scale, Samples, Lithologic Symbol (hatch), Elevation, and Piezometer. The following options are available:
- Observation During/After Drilling: Groundwater symbols shown on the log columns depend on the type of water level (see top of this page for details) . Since the date for this type of groundwater level is the same as Start Date / End Date, RSLog does not print the measurement date for this groundwater type.
- Last Piezometer Measurement: this option will show the last groundwater on the log column using the
symbol. User has the option to show the date of the measurement.
- All Piezometer Measurements: this option will show all groundwater measurements on the log column using the
symbol. User has the option to show the date of each measurement.

Plotting Groundwater Data vs Time
Groundwater measurement made inside a piezometer / well are recorded in RSLog along with a date and time for each measurement on borehole data entry page > Instrumentation tab > Groundwater Measurements section. Once this data is entered, the variation of groundwater depth / elevation versus time will be plotted on this page. This graph may be downloaded as an image (PNG).

Showing Groundwater on Cross-Sections
Please see this page for displaying groundwater data on cross-sections.