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On the Templates tab, user can specify the default settings applied to new report templates as well as some default options when generating borehole logs. In addition, the layer description compiler can be configured on this page.

To adjust the Templates settings:

  1. Go to the left-hand navigation menu and select Settings page,
  2. Click Templates tab,
  3. Make desired changes as you wish.
  4. Click Save.

Default Settings

This tab covers the following default settings:


Font Style

Select the default font style used for the design of new templates.

Borehole Log

The settings provided in this section determine how the borehole logs are generated. This is outlined below:

  • Do not Repeat Lithologic Description on Page Breaks: When a stratum continues on the next page of the borehole log, by default RSLog repeats the lithologic description on the next page. If this checkbox is selected, lithologic description will not be repeated on the next page.
  • Behavior of the Piezometer/Well Log Column: This determines how the piezometer/well log column is shown on the borehole log. This happens when user uses a log template that has a piezometer/well column but the borehole does not have a piezometer/well.
  • Behavior of the Piezometer Readings Element: This determines how the Piezometer Readings element is shown on the header/footer of the borehole log. This happens when a log template has Piezometer Readings element but the borehole does not have any groundwater level measurement data in Instrumentation tab.

Margins and Page Settings

Select default margins, paper size and orientation used for the design of new templates.

Layer Description Compiler

When stratigraphy data is entered in Detailed View, RSLog puts all pieces of soil / rock description together and compiles into a Layer Description. This is done when user clicks on the Compile button on stratigraphy data entry page. The pieces of data that participate in the Layer Description text and their formatting / order is defined by 'Layer Description Compiler'.

Using this page you can configure the compiler. The configuration is set separately for soil and rock.

The default RSLog compiler configuration comes from the Sections 2.5 and 2.6 of Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation.

The page is divided into the following sections:

  • Soil Layer Description (left): allows editing the configuration of the compiler for soil layer description,
  • Rock Layer Description (right): allows editing the configuration of the compiler for rock layer description,

Each section shows a list of available elements, a toolbar, compiler box, and additional settings:

Configuration of Layer Description Compiler
Configuration of Layer Description Compiler


Each element represents a 'piece of data' (e.g. Group Name, Group Symbol etc.) for a layer in RSLog. Some of these elements are entered in Detailed View of stratigraphy dialog.

  • Top level stratum data or those entered in the General tab of the Detailed View.
  • Represents the data entered in the Components tab (fines, sand, gravel, etc.) of the Detailed View.
  • Represent data entered for cobbles and boulders in the Components tab.

To add an element to the compiler box, drag and drop it into the Compiler Box. To change the order of elements, simply drag the element to the desired location. The elements marked with * are mandatory (refer to Sections 2.5 and 2.6 of Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation).

If a gray element is placed between two green elements, its text will be deleted for each Component that has data in the Detailed View. It is recommended that you start with gray elements, then green elements, and then purple ones.

Using Toolbar

The toolbar offers the following features:

  • Import / Export: you can import compiler settings from another RSLog account into your account by clicking on the Import button and selecting the corresponding *.json file. Use the Export button to save your compiler settings in a file and share it with other RSLog users,
  • Text Alignment: select from left or right text alignment. This affects the layer description written in the Lithologic Description column of the borehole log,
  • New Line: allows starting a new line (i.e. if you would like the layer description text to be compiled in more than one paragraph),
  • Delete: this will clear the compiler box,
  • Styling of an Element: when an element is selected, a toolbar will appear at the top-right of the Compiler Box. This toolbar allows for selecting properties of that element:
    • Font Style: select the font style of the element and how it appears in the borehole log,
    • Leading & Trailing: enter the text that appears just before and after the element; For example if Group Symbol of a soil layer is selected to be "GP-GC" and you specified a Leading text of "(" and a "Trailing text of ");" and italic font style, this Group Symbol value would be shown as "(GP-GC);" in the Layer Description (on Stratigraphy tab) and on the borehole log.
Toolbar for Styling an Element
Toolbar for Styling an Element

Compiler Box

The Compiler Box allows you to define the order of elements used by the compiler to generate the layer description text. In order to change the sequence of elements, drag an element and move it around to update the order of elements.

  • Select an element to view its styling toolbar at the top-right of the Compiler Box.
  • To delete an element, click on the red x button located on the element.

Additional Settings

  • Automatically Remove Extra Spaces: This will remove all extra spaces from the compiled layer description text. Any space at the beginning or end of the text will also be removed. For example, the compiler will change the "... clayey sand ..." to "... clayey sand ...".
  • Automatically Remove Unused Punctuations: If punctuations were found next to each other, this feature will only keep the last punctuation. For example, the compiler will change the "... (GM),; Dry to ..." to "... (GM); Dry to ...".
  • Major Soil Types in Upper Case: For example if the layer's Major Soil Type (see Stratigraphy tab) is selected as silt, it will be shown as "SILT" in Layer Description.
  • Append Interbedded/Isolated Text to Group Name / Group Symbol: If selected, the description of interbedded/isolated layer will be placed after the Group Name / Group Symbol (whichever comes last in the Layer Description). Otherwise, the description of interbedded/isolated layer will be added to the end of Layer Description as a new paragraph.
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