Graph Pile Interface Curve
The Graph Pile Interface Curves option (right-click on a pile and select Graph Pile Interface Curve) allows users to view the p-y curves at a number of evenly-spaced or user-defined depths. The P-Y Options dialog is where the graphing interval or depths are defined.

The checkboxes in the Data Selection section of the right-side toolbar can be used to hide/show
The following customization options can be found in the right sidebar:
- Chart Controls - This is where marker and line options, legend display options, font options and axis options are customized. These customizations apply to both the right and left graphs as a whole.
- Series Options - This is where the graph color, marker type and marker size can be customized for each set of results.
- Vertical Axis Options - The vertical axis of each individual graph can be customized here in terms of scaling.
- Horizontal Axis Options - The horizontal axis of each individual graph can be customized here in terms of scaling.