Wall Type
You may choose from the following retaining wall types:
- Segmental Wall
- Gabion Wall
- Gravity Wall
- Cantilever Wall
- Abutment Wall
Segmental Wall
Use this option if the wall consists of smaller units built up on top of each other. Specifically, segmental walls can be used to analyze:
- Reinforced (MSE walls)
- Unreinforced (conventional) block walls
- Wrap-around walls
- Walls with prefabricated blocks

Gabion Wall
These are walls comprising of stacked and layered baskets filled with aggregates. Some distinct features of this wall type include:
- Gabion walls can be tilted at an angle for the analysis.
- Multiple gabion baskets can be placed in the same wall layer

Gravity Wall
Use this to construct a massive gravity wall using the provided dimensions.

Cantilever Wall
Use this option to design and analysis a massive cantilever wall using the provided dimensions.
Note that for the purpose of analysis, the soil immediately
above the heel of this type of wall (its back end) is assumed to be
internally stabilizing, which increases the resistance against certain
failure modes. If you want to avoid this assumption, consider choosing
the gravity wall option.

Use this to construct a massive abutment using the provided dimensions.
- For this type of wall, point loads can be defined directly onto its top surface.
- The inputted dimension fields allow for a "notch" to be formed in the wall section profile which represents the application location of bridge loads.

If you change the wall type after you start modelling, you
will receive a warning message that a majority of the model data will be
deleted if you proceed. This is due to significant differences in
geometry and analysis assumptions between the various wall types.
However, the program will attempt to retain any remaining data that is
common between the different wall types.