Analysis Issues
During computations of a particular wall segment, a list of Warnings, Failed Checks, and Errors may be generated. To review this list:
- Select Results > Compute > Analysis Issues

The View Analysis Issues dialog can be used to view issues for the selected wall segment, or all wall segments if you have selected a parent wall in the Segment Tree.
- Errors are issues that, if encountered during the computation, require for the computations to be stopped. You must address these errors by revising the model and recomputing.
- Warnings are potential issues that relate to the design, or theoretical limitations of the design equations, or other technical disclaimers that were flagged during the analysis. They do not require for the analysis to be stopped and you may choose to ignore them at your own risk.
- Failed Checks are requirements stipulated by the design standard which your design does not satisfy.
Items in the table can be filtered using a string query, and hide/show columns by right-clicking the column headers. Users can also choose to copy the data onto their clipboard and/or a spreadsheet.