Computing the model
When computing, you have the option to compute one or multiple wall segments. The following options are available:
- Compute all walls: computes all wall segments that are sufficiently defined for a computation to commence.
- Compute current wall: computes all wall segments in the currently selected wall which are sufficiently defined for a computation to commence.
- Compute current section: computes only the selected wall segment.
A segment is computable if a wall section profile is assigned to it, and all of its surrounding topography and soils are defined.
For segmental walls, if reinforcements are not present in the wall segment then a conventional unreinforced analysis will be conducted.
Computation outcomes
The following outcomes can occur and will appear in the Segment Tree when a computation is conducted on a given wall segment:
Computation complete successfully without warnings or failed checks
Computation completed with warnings or failed checks present
Computation could not be completed (errors present)
If errors, warnings or failed checks are present, you can click on Analysis Issues to see details regarding the problem(s).