Export to DFX
RSWall geometry can be exported to a DXF file (AutoCAD Drawing Exchange File) using the Export to DXF option.
To export boundaries/support to a DXF file:
- Select Results > Export > Export to DXF
from the ribbon menu.
- In the Export to DXF dialog, select the wall and corresponding wall segments that you would like to export, using the checkboxes provided.
- You can also select the entities you would like to export, using the checkboxes provided.
- There are checkboxes for including the 2D plan view and elevation view alongside the rendered geometry for each wall segment in the DXF file.
- You can choose whether to include all the wall segments in a single DXF file or to separate them into multiple files via Export each section as separate DXF files.
Export to DFX dialog - Click Export.
- Enter a the filename, or select an existing filename. Click Save and all entities you selected in the DXF Options dialog will be saved to a DXF file with the name you entered.
The Export to DXF option can be used for exporting your model geometry into AutoCAD.