Export to Slide2
Overall (global) stability analysis and internal compound stability analysis constitute a major part of the design process for retaining walls.
As such, it is highly recommended for you to not only consider the failure modes analyzed in RSWall, but to also conduct global and internal compound stability analyses for your overall slope.
RSWall provides seamless integration with Slide2 to allow for this additional anaysis. With the Export to Slide2 feature, you can export your model to Slide2 for global and internal compound stability analysis. Refer to the Slide2 documentation for more details on its capabilities.
Exporting a model
After you have created a wall and defined all of its properties, you can use the Export to Slide2 feature to export one or multiple wall segments. To do so:
- Select Results > Export > Export to Slide2
- Use the dropdown to select the wall you wish to export.
- Select the segment you wish to export. If your wall has more than one segment, you can select All Segments.
- Click Open in Slide2 to launch the Slide2 program.
The sections that you select will each automatically generate a Slide2 model file with matching geometry, model properties and model settings, which you can then open in Slide2 to continue your analysis. If you select more than one segment, Slide2 will create a child scenario for each segment.