Relevant Symbols
During computations of a particular wall segment, a list of variable symbols with numerical values, descriptions and references may be generated. You can use the Relevant Symbols dialog to view the list.

Displayed Symbols
Each row in the table corresponds to a symbol or variable that was generated during the computation, its value, and the reference (if applicable) to the symbol in the selected design standard.
Filtering the table
By default, the symbols that are display correspond to all the failure modes and limit states that are currently being displayed in the table of results at the bottom of the main screen.
If you wish to filter out the symbols to display those that correspond to only a selection of failure modes, apply a filter to the table of results (in the Results Pane) and reopen the Relevant Symbols dialog.
Within the the Relevant Symbols dialog, you can also:
- Filter the items in the table using a string query
- Hide/show columns by right-clicking the column headers
- Copy the data onto your clipboard and/or a spreadsheet
- Export to Excel