Add/Edit/Delete Wall
You have two options for adding a wall to the model:
- Add Wall (single segment wall)
- Add Wall (multi-segment wall)
Once a wall is created, you can edit the wall, which will bring up a similar dialog:
- Edit Wall (single segment wall)
- Edit Wall (multi-segment wall)
To delete a wall:
- Select the wall in the Segment Tree or Plan View.
- In the Wall ribbon, click Delete Wall
Add single segment wall
This dialog is used to create a wall that consists of a single segment and section profile. Users can use this to design and analyze the wall section(s) in their project separately.
Choose from the list of defined wall section profiles in the program or click Define... to create a new profile. A preview of the selected profile is displayed in the viewport.

Add multi-segment wall
This dialog is used to manually create a wall that consists of multiple segments in plan view. Each wall segment is assigned its own section profile, or users can leave certain segments unassigned.
Each row in the input table corresponds to a single wall segment. Each wall segment can be computed separately using a sectional analysis. A preview of the plan configuration of the wall and its "folded-out" elevation view is shown in the viewports.
Clicking Flip backslope changes the side of the wall that the backslope is on.