Add Leveling Pad
For segmental walls, an additional concrete pad may exist at the bottom of the conventional and reinforced segmental walls. This helps disperse the vertical pressure generated by the wall to avoid soil bearing failure. To add a leveling pad:
- Select Wall > Base > Add Leveling Pad

Add leveling pad
Use this to toggle the presence of a leveling pad in the current wall segment(s).
The thickness (vertical height) of the leveling pad
The width of the vertical height which will be displayed in the wall section view.
The outward horizontal offset of the edge of the leveling pad from the toe of the wall above it.
If the Meyerhoff stress distribution is assumed then
the width of the leveling pad should be at least the dimension of the
bottom-most block parallel to the wall section plus the thickness of the
leveling pad. Similarly, the setback should be at least half the
thickness of the leveling pad.
For the particular case of sliding and bearing
computations in reinforced MSE walls, the entire length of the
reinforced zone is considered for bearing, so the leveling pad does not
affect the calculations.
Apply leveling pad to
Use this to drop down to apply the current setting to all segments in the current wall or the current segment only.