Define Section Profile
The Define Section Profile dialog allows you to define one or more wall section profiles which can be assigned to wall segments. Depending on the wall type, the layout of this dialog will be different.
Segmental Walls

Number of wall courses
Adjusts the number of layers in the wall section profile.
Elevation of the bottom layer
Specifies the bottom elevation of the bottom wall unit.
Wall unit assignment:
You can choose from the following options for defining the wall units that comprise the wall section profile.
- Assign uniform wall units to all layers: allows you to select a wall unit to apply to all layers in the wall section profile.
- Assign non-uniform wall units: allows you to specify different wall units to each layer. Note that some design standards (e.g. NCMA) do not contain provisions for the analysis of non-uniform block walls.
Wall layer arrangement
You can choose from the following options when defining the setback distance.
- Layer setback distance: specify the setback distance at the top of each layer.
- Batter angle (°): the setback distance will be calculated automatically based on the inputted batter angle.
Gabion Walls

Number of wall courses
Adjusts the number of layers in the wall section profile.
Wall unit assignment tab
- Apply uniform basket count: toggle this to assign a uniform number of baskets per layer of the wall
- Assign uniform wall units to all layers: toggle this so assign a uniform wall unit to every basket
If either of the above boxes are unchecked, you can change the number of baskets and properties for each layer of baskets.
Geometry tab
- Wall layer setback distance: defines the setback distance at the top of each basket layer
- Elevation at toe: defines the elevation of the wall section profile at the toe point (bottom back corner of bottom basket)
- Basket tilt angle (°): a tilt angle for all of the baskets
Cantilever, Gravity and Abutment Walls
In the remaining types of walls you can simply specify the dimensions shown in the viewport to adjust the geometry of the wall section profile. You will also need to enter:
- Unit weight
- Elevation at toe