Technical Specifications
Wall Types
- MSE / reinforced walls
- Segmental walls
- Gravity walls
- Cantilever walls
- Abutment walls
- Gabion walls
Wall Unit Types
- Blocks (including prefab)
- Wrap-around walls
- Gabion baskets
Wall Configuration
- Single section wall
- Multi-section wall
- Wall generation wizard
- Uniformly blocked wall
- Non-uniformly blocked wall
- Batter angle
- Overall tilt angle (for gabions)
Failure Modes
- Base sliding (external)
- Overturning (external)
- Bearing capacity (external)
- Internal sliding
- Crest toppling
- Reinforcement tensile capacity
- Reinforcement pullout
- Reinforcement connection capacity
- Export to Slide2 (for overall and compound stability)‡
‡ requires installation of Slide2
Design Standards
- AASHTO (2020)
- BS8006-1:2010+A1:2016
- AS 4678
- Eurocode 7
- NCMA (version 3)
Active Pressure Methods†
- Coulomb
- Generalized Wedge Method
- Rankine (simplified)
- Rankine (generalized)
- Rankine-Bell
- Kerisel & Absi (EN1997 Annex C1)
- Brinch Hansen (EN1997 Annex C2)
† as permitted by selected design standard
Passive Pressure Methods†
- Caquot & Kerisel (1949)
- Kerisel & Absi (1990)
- Brinch Hansen (EN1997 Annex C2)
- Use at-rest pressure
† as permitted by selected design standard
Tensile Force Methods†
- Simplified method
- Coherent gravity method
- Tieback wedge method
- Stiffness method
† as permitted by selected design standard
Topography settings
- Flat terrain
- Infinitely sloped terrain
- Broken-back
- User-defined
Seismic analysis
- kh, kv (as permitted by design standard)
- Effect of confined/unconfined water
- A and d (for NCMA)
Soil properties
- Friction angle
- Soil-structure friction angle
- Permanent cohesion (as permitted by design standard)
- Adhesion ratio (as permitted by design standard)
Reinforcement types
- Geogrid
- Geosynthetic
- Geotextile
- Metallic grid
- Metallic strip
Reinforcement properties
- Coverage ratio
- Static design tensile strength
- Creep reduction factor
- Secant stiffness
- Sliding friction angle
- Friction factor
- Coefficient of friction
- Coefficient of direct sliding
- Linear/bilinear/constant connection strength
Reinforcement layout
- Simple
- Advanced (user defined)
- Line load
- Point load
- Uniformly distributed load
- Load above wall (for abutments only)
- Load on backslope
- Underground load
- Horizontal and vertical loads
- Load classifications (e.g. live/dead)
† as permitted by design standard
- Effect on base strength
- Differential water table
- Toggle for infiltration of reinforced zone
- Unit weight
- Detailed equation report with hand calculations
- Interactive viewport
- Switch between failure modes and limit states
- Failure mode checks per layer
- Analysis warnings and issues
- Report generator
- Show failure plane
- Show active wedge
- Export to Slide2
Miscellaneous features
- Export to DXF
- Export results to CSV
- Metric (kPa, MPa, tonnes) or Imperial (psf, ksf, tons) units
- Define leveling pad
- Define base strength