View Limits
The View Limits option allows you to set the initial drawing limits of the Plan View so that the limits encompass the coordinates you will be entering.
To use the View Limits option:
- Select Limits from the View menu.
- Enter the X and Y coordinates of the lower left (Minimum X Y) and upper right (Maximum X Y) corners of the drawing region you would like to start working with.
- Press OK and the limits of the view will be updated to encompass the limits you have just entered.
- The actual limits will in general not be exactly the ones you entered, unless the box you have defined is exactly the same "shape" as the current view. In any case, the limits will always encompass the coordinates you entered (i.e. it will never be smaller than the limits you entered).
- The Limits option is intended for use when initially creating the model. After a model has been created, the Zoom and Pan options can be used to adjust the viewing region with respect to the model, it is not necessary to use the Limits option.
- If you enter boundary coordinates through the prompt line, the view limits are automatically updated to encompass the points you are entering (i.e. if a coordinate is outside the current viewing window, the view will be automatically updated to include all points).