Stage Tabs
If you are working with a multi-stage model, the Stage Tabs allow you to view the analysis results at each stage.
The Stage Tabs appear at the lower left of the application window. To view any stage, click on a Stage Tab with the mouse. Alternatively, you can use the Page Down / Page Up keys to increase/decrease the current viewing stage.

- The number of stages and the stage names are specified in the Project Settings dialog. See the Stages topic for more information.
- If you are performing a time-dependent analysis, then each stage will have an associated time, which is automatically displayed on each Stage Tab, as shown in the above figure.
- Stages can be edited (inserted, deleted, re-named) in the Project Settings dialog, or by right-clicking on a Stage Tab and selecting an option from the popup menu.
Reference Stage
By default, the analysis results displayed at each stage, are the results with respect to the initial state of the model (e.g. time zero). It is possible to view results with respect to intermediate stages, by defining a Reference Stage. This is done using the Reference Stage option in the View menu, or by right-clicking on a Stage Tab, and selecting Set as Reference Stage from the popup menu. See the Reference Stage topic for details. When a stage has been set as the reference stage, the letter [R] will be displayed in the stage tab, as shown in the figure below.