The Translate geometry option allows you to move geometry by a specified distance or start and end location.
- Select the Geometry
workflow tab.
- Select any number of geometry entities.
- Select the Translate
option from the toolbar or the Transform sub-menu in the Geometry menu.
- A dialog should appear to allow you to identify a start and end point. This is useful if you are trying to translate a particular point on the entities to a specific location and do not want to calculate the change in x,y or z coordinates. You can enter the start and end point using the input boxes in the dialog or select the Start Point or End Point options to select either points graphically using your mouse.
- From the dialog, you can also use the Add Geometry or Delete Selected Geometry options to add or remove geometry entities from the list of geometry that you wish to translate.
- You can use the Preview
option to view your translated entities before you accept the changes by pressing OK.