Add Support
The Add Support option is used to add linear 1-dimensional support elements such as bolts or piles to a model.
Although we refer to the support elements as bolts they may represent other similar support types (e.g. piles or soil nails)
To add bolts:
- Select the Loading & Support
workflow tab.
- Select Add Support
from the toolbar or the Support menu.
- You will see the Add Bolts dialog. In this dialog, you can define the bolts using the following tabs:
- Shape
- Surface
- Property
- Location
Shape/Property Tab
Define Support Shape and Properties:
- Rectangle
- Width (m) and Height (m)
- Basepoint [default (U, V)= (0, 0) or custom; point of reference used to translate (U, V) coordinates to (X, Y, Z)]
- Circle
- Radius (m)
- Basepoint [default (U, V)= (0, 0) or custom; point of reference used to translate (U, V) coordinates to (X, Y, Z)]
- Polygon (use table to enter custom coordinates)
- Coordinates [U (m) and V (m)]
- Basepoint [default (U, V)= (0, 0) or custom; point of reference used to translate (U, V) coordinates to (X, Y, Z)]
Surface Tab
Define where the support will be placed on the model (which model entity will be affected by the support placement)
- Projected on Terrain
- Spacing Mode (Orthogonal to Drilling Direction or Along the Surface)
- Projected on Volume
- Volume
- Projection
- Spacing Mode (Orthogonal to Drilling Direction or Along the Surface)
Property Tab
Define the properties of the bolts
- Length (m): the length of the individual bolt in the bolt pattern
- Pattern Properties:
- Horizontal Spacing (m)
- Vertical Spacing (m)
- Pattern Angle
- Pattern Offset (m) - pattern offset from basepoint (U, V) defined in Shape/Property Tab
- Orientation
Location Tab
Options here allow loads to be either placed freehand on the model using the Freehand Manipulation commands or defined by X and Y coordinate on the modelling interface.
- Freehand Manipulation: these commands will minimize the large define load dialog and allow the user to place the load "Freehand" on the model
- Move Load: move the mouse around the modelling interface and click to place the load in the desired location
- Rotate Load: move the mouse to rotate the orientation of the load, using the center as the base
- Numerical Definition:
- Location: Enter X (m) and Y (m) coordinates to define where the basepoint (previously defined in the Shape tab) of the load will be located on the model
- Orientation: Enter an Angle to finalize the load definition