Bench Design Overview
The option is an extension of the Probabilistic Analysis features in SWedge. Assuming either a constant bench width or constant inter-ramp angle you can input the design parameters and statistical joint information in order to optimize the bench slope angle according to design constraints. The analysis output allows you to interpret the results according to various methods including (i) managed approach to bench design and (ii) quantitative hazard analysis (QHA).

For more information see the Bench Design Tutorial and the Bench Design Theory documents:
Limitations of Bench Design Analysis
The Bench Design option in SWedge is compatible with most of the analysis features of SWedge, however, there are a few exceptions. In particular, it should be noted that the Bench Design option can only be used with tetrahedral (4-sided) wedges. You cannot include Tension Cracks or Basal Joint planes while using the Bench Design option. We will consider expanding the Bench Design options in a future SWedge upgrade, but in the meantime, you should keep in mind that the Bench Design option is currently based on simple 4-sided tetrahedral wedges.